Validation of self-aCquired learning and cREdits trAnsfer in web design and compuTEr animation
/CREATE Conference/
Date: 20th September 2013
Venue: Sofia, Bulgaria
in the frame of “Leonardo da Vinci” project № 2011-1-BG1-LEO05-05036
The aim of CREATE conference is to present the current situation and tendencies in the validation of informal (self-acquired) learning. Having in mind that validation and recognition of learning outcomes is closely related to ECVET (The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training), the additional aim of the conference is to enlighten on the current tendencies in ECVET.
Often people engaged in creative fields such as web design and computer animation have gained their knowledge, skills and competence through a kind of informal learning. Informal learning occurs in a number of places like learning at home, work, during daily interactions or sharing knowledge in communities. Gradually validation of the results of informal learning has become a EU priority in the field of VET being “seen as a way of improving lifelong and life-wide learning”.
Although addressed to a different extent in various EU countries, the issue of validation of the results of informal learning is still insufficiently explored and undeveloped in Europe.