All presentations are for personal, non-commercial usage, and should only be used with obligatory quote of the author's name and the project CREATE!

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Overview of the CREATE project - Dr Rosen Petkov, Chairman of SCAS

Developing a model for the recognition and validation of informal and non-formal knowledge in VET in Slovenia - results and experience - Aljoša Bradač, Šolski center Ptuj (Slovenia)

Quality issues in Validation in the Nordic countries and competence development of employees/staff involved in RPL – Antra Carlsen, NVL Head-coordinator (Norway)

‘You have skills’ - Evidences from Austria Assessment and validation of non-formal and informal learning – Mag.a Mariya Dzhengozova, Research + Consulting, 3s Unternehmensberatung GmbH (Austria) 

Recognising Experiential Learning at Letterkenny Institute of Technology – Oran Doherty, Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Work Based Learning Facilitator (WBL), Letterkenny Institute of Technology (Ireland)

Developing a system for identification and recognition of knowledge, skills and competences acquired through non-formal learning – “New opportunities for my future” project - Krasimira Brozig, Executive Secretary of NAVET (Bulgaria)

Embedding ICT/Multimedia Standardisation Initiatives into European Vocational Training Development Strategies (Embedding Standards) – Dr. Peter Littig, DEKRA Akademie GmbH (Germany)

The Bulgarian approach to ECVET – Iliana Taneva, Chief Expert, “Vocational Education and Training” unit, Ministry of Education and Science (Bulgaria)

Self-acquired learning validation toolkit in the frame of CREATE project – Dr. Rosen Petkov and Elitsa Licheva, SCAS (Bulgaria)

Fostering informal learning at the workplace through digital platforms and information infrastructures - Paolo Spagnoletti, CeRSI-LUISS Guido Carli University, Assistant Professor – CeRSI Scientific Manager (Italy)