Welcome to CREATE project

Welcome to Validation of self-aCquired learning and cREdits trAnsfer in web design and compuTEr animation /CREATE/ project web site, implemented with the financial support of Leonardo da Vinci Programme of EC.

Project consortium involves 5 partners from Bulgaria, Germany and Ireland. The partnership aims to propose methods and tools for validating the results of informal learning in two creative fields – web design and computer animation.

This web site consists of four basic pages. Each page is designed to answer the needs of a concrete target group:

- If you think you have some knowledge, skills and competence in web design or computer animation but you don’t have an official document to prove it or learned it only at home or during work visit TEST TAKERS and assess your informal learning.

- If you are an organization that wants to organize assessment of the results of informal learning in web design and computer animation visit TRAINING ORGANIZATIONS.

- If you want to assess your informal learning in web design or computer animation or if your organization wants to provide such assessment see and play the interactive TOOLS.

- If you want to learn more about CREATE visit THE PROJECT where you can:

  • read our latest News;
  • download and consult project Resources – manual and leaflet;
  • see who the Partners are;
  • Intranet – limited area only for the partners for exchange of files and documents;
  • find us in Contacts.

Latest news

CREATE project presented at several seminars, organized by HRDC

The CREATE project was presented during Thematic monitoring on the topic "Youth Employment", 17th of December 2013, as well as...

CREATE project presented at New Bulgarian University - 26.11.2013

CREATE project products have been presented several times in New Bulgarian University, because of the special interest of...

CREATE project presented at ePIC, London

CREATE project was presented during international educational conference ePIC in London on 10th of July 2013 and featured in...

Conference website

The CREATE conference website is published at http://www.create-validate.org/conference

The CREATE project (№ 2011-1-BG1-LEO05-05036)
is implemented with the financial support of the Lifelong Learning Programme of the EC.
This project reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.